Loan-level Analytics
Extensive set of loan-level attributes for creating loan cohorts along with the flexibility to create custom stratifications of continuous variables such as FICO, Loan Size etc.
Fast query times and an easy-to-use interface make it straightforward to purse in-depth investigations of prepayment and issuance trends.
Pool Analytics
Historical prepayments and delinquency rates;
Pool versus Cohort comparisons;
Float estimates; Prepayment breakouts at the loan-level for various characteristics
Access to 4BD prepayment factors on ~900, 000 pools approximately 10-15 seconds after release. Prepayments can be viewed at the pool or cohort level; flexible and granular search function allows you to create and disaggregate custom cohorts.
We offer cost-effective annual subscription licenses that vary depending on the number of required end-users.
Enterprise licenses are also available.